Monday, May 4, 2009

There's No Place LIke Home

Whoa - I can't believe the date of my last post was in August! What a slacker I've been. Well, I do have some excuses for at least a few of the months:

  • Sold our house in Florida
  • Moved back home PERMANENTLY to New York
  • Got a 3 bedroom apartment in Riverdale and had to unpack (still working on this one)
  • Got my kids settled in their new schools
  • Sold through an auction on - Boo Hoo! No actually, it was a good decision.
  • Been trying to think of what to write for my comeback post!!

See, I HAVE been busy!

Well, being back in NY has been so great for me. Although I would really love to be living back in the city on the upper west side, Riverdale will do for now. At least it's close so I can get in often. I have to say though, each time I am back there (which is at least once a week) I keep thinking I HAVE TO figure out how to get back in. I feel most comfortable and more myself as I am walking around the streets of Manhattan whether its meeting friends for lunch, shopping, or doing some fun activity, I just LOVE it!! The crowds and noise never bother me. I love the energy and it feels like there is always something going on. It's hard to explain. I know some people just can't stand it. My husband will probably never want to live there again. (hmm, that may be a problem) But there are others that feel the same way I do. There's just no other place that feels like home.

One thing I love about being back again is having more than one season. I especially love Fall and Spring. It's so hard to believe I lasted in Florida when the one season I really don't like (to put it mildly) is Summer.

I've been taking lots of pictures lately. I've taken pictures from my bedroom window each time the season changed. We face a courtyard and just beyond that is the Hudson River. Here you can see the changes.

So, from here on I will try to write something regularly - usually about my latest obsessions: photography, my hair (UH! don't get me started on that topic), cake decorating, cool crafts and of course, NEW YORK CITY living!!

It's great to be home again.

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