Saturday, February 20, 2010

Fashion Week NYC

** I wrote this post yesterday morning and got so busy I never got around to clicking the Publish button!! **

I have a lot of baking to do today for a baby shower for tomorrow. So, I figured while I am waiting for my butter to soften so I can start on my next batch of cupcakes, I would use this time to tell you about my experience at Fashion Week last weekend. Multitasking - gotta love it! Guys, men, boys, if you're of the male species, you should really try it sometime!

Somehow the hubbs got tickets to a fashion show during Fashion Week at Bryant Park. I really don't know how. He may have told me but I already forgot. We were supposed to go together last Friday. That's when he told me the tickets were for. I had to completely rearrange schedules because it was during the day and I had to make sure I had coverage for my girls - picking them up from school, watching them after school, giving them dinner, etc. I also had to get myself ready which involves my hair!! Never a fun task especially when my time is limited.

So, just as I am getting my coat on, the hubbs comes out of his office (aka "the cave") and says "Uh Oh, you're not going to believe it". I give him the look. With a chuckle he shows me the tickets and they are for the NEXT DAY!!! Did you hear my screams?!? You must have.

With some more schedule rearranging, I ended up going the next day with my friend Pam instead. Always turns out to be a great day when you're hanging with your best bud.

I have to apologize in advance for these horrible pictures you're about to see. Don't know what happened but these are probably some of the worst shots I've ever taken. Not even Photoshop could help.

The event itself was a really fun experience. It was very exciting and very New York.


Tents are set up in Bryant Park and this is where the different fashion shows are held.



Once you are inside, you don't even feel like you're in a tent - it feels like a real building. It's amazing to me how Bryant Park can be transformed into so many different venues.


We ended up at the Academy of Art University's show.



Honestly the highlight of the event was the whole buzz around the show, the music, and the people watching. Once the show actually started, we really weren't thrilled with any of the clothes. Doesn't look like they were either.


There was safari









and more ruffles


The seats were really small and fit tightly together.


I definitely felt like my butt could have used an extra half a seat. I was just a little too close to the stranger sitting to my left.

Even though we didn't see any famous designers, we did see this guy outside...


My girls will be so jealous.

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